Rob Adams a Painter's Blog painter's progress

June 14, 2016

The Simple Pleasure of Looking

Well I am free to paint and post again. My house and studio are finished and the 2 weeks of open studios over. I thought that being mewed up with my exhibition for 2 weeks would be tedious but in actuality I rather enjoyed it. It was fascinating watching people viewing my efforts. I got everyone from the systematic 10 seconds look at each picture, to the rapid skim round and leave. What was intriguing was that there was great constancy in which pictures provoked comment. After the show I put the ones that didn’t sell in a row and tried to work out what the magic ingredient was. No luck though, if I came up with a formula I’d be rich! Though other factors were also at play. I had one picture in prime position in the centre of the wall and it drew consistent comment. I swapped it for another and it then became the subject of especial interest and the previous star languished in a corner unremarked!

Other than the mostly very positive general reactions one comment stayed with me. A lady said on leaving, “Thank you I really enjoyed looking at all the pictures.” That, I thought, about sums it up. Painting is about giving others pleasure through looking. It is about distilling and getting down something that will please and arrest. By this I don’t just mean pretty, but the full spread of reaction to visual input. It is not about me expressing my inner self, pushing any nebulous boundaries, trying to educate or explore, just about producing an interesting “looking” experience. In the same way as good music induces a worthwhile hearing experience.

I sat and drew and made linocuts while people went round so here are the pen drawings.

Bicycle, London, City, pen and ink, drawing

Done from a very blurry iPhone snap taken near the Royal Exchange in London. I’m going to do a bigger oil of this though as I think it will make a good picture.


Wales, pembrokeshire, sea, coast, pen and ink, drawing

This is Cwm yr Eglwys in Pembrokeshire, I did this as a plan for a linocut.


Albert Bridge, Chelsea, Thames, London, pen and ink, drawing

A view off Albert Bridge of the Thames, it was fun trying to get the impression of fading light in pen, that water was hard work I can tell you!


Okeford Fitzpaine, Dorset, church, pen and ink, drawing

The full English village in Okeford Fitzpaine. Almost too pretty… I resisted the temptation to add a car.


Salisbury, pen and ink, drawing, cathedral

A view of Salisbury done from an extremely dark and blurry iPhone snap. It was actually taken through the side window of the car when stopped in traffic. Due to this mostly a work of imagination. A distinctly medieval mood developed so I decided to go with it!


Wells, wiltshire, cathedral, drawing, pen and ink

This is Wells. A busy day with 60 or so visitors so a bit disjointed.


Child Okeford, Dorset, drawing, pen and ink

A local view of Child Okeford, another planned linocut.


Kington Magna, church, Dorset, drawing, pen and ink

Last one, this is Kington Magna and yet another potential linocut. I actually stopped doing drawings and set about cutting the lino blocks so hopefully the next post will be some prints!


  1. Hi Rob, beautiful drawings! I’m joining the Wapping Group trip in a couple of weeks, and look forward to seeing more of your lovely work. I’m also bringing drawing materials, but can’t find the blue paper you are using in the US. Can you remind me what it’s called? I can look for it at Cornelissen as I pass through London. – Bobbi from America

    Comment by Bobbi Heath — June 14, 2016 @ 7:30 pm

  2. Superb drawings as ever from you.

    Comment by julianlovegrove — June 14, 2016 @ 9:18 pm

  3. Thank you for sharing your works on these blog posts! I find the ink on toned paper to be especially mesmerizing. I am trying to learn pen and ink techniques and find these highly instructional and motivational. I am curious about the actual sizes of your p & i sketches, if it’s possible would you consider indicating the sizes when you post?

    Thanks, Doug

    Comment by Doug — June 15, 2016 @ 9:53 pm

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