Rob Adams a Painter's Blog painter's progress

July 17, 2011

Some more of France and back to my old haunts.

Filed under: Drawing,France,Life Drawing,London,Painting,Watercolour — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , — Rob Adams @ 7:25 pm

I made an especial effort to do sketches in a proper sketch book on my recent visit to France. I wasn’t going to post them here but once scanned I changed my mind. There is something very immediate about a quick sketch. Also as you aren’t trying to make anything that you intend to show others the pressure is off! Rather annoyingly the sketches have a way of looking better than the laboured over plein air watercolour. I am also finishing off things that got started and then abandoned. Sometimes when you look at something you stopped and gave up on as a bad job you see something in the unfinished effort that charms, there is of course the saying that no painting was ever ruined by stopping early. It is an odd change that has come over me with age and experience, I used to frequently ruin perfectly good paintings by over working, but now I am old and lazy I am only too keen to stop at the first sign of finishedness! I don’t miss that dreadful sinking feeling of realising that what was a few minutes ago was looking good has been destroyed by too much messing.

Drawing is sometimes considered as only a first stage towards painting, or whatever the medium the finished article is to be. Increasingly now I find that I would put painting as a sub set of drawing. The upshot of this is that I try to do my drawings as if they are paintings and when painting try and make sure that every painted stroke advances the drawing somewhat. Obvious really, I don’t know how I missed it for so many years.



France, drawing, Honfleur, church

This is the striking bell tower in Honfleur, I didn’t think the light was good enough to paint, it being the middle of the day so I just did a sketch. I tend to use pastel pencils because I can get that little bit more information down than a pencil on white paper.


Saumur, Mercedes, drawing, France, art

A very quick sketch in Saumur, might make a painting, I liked the parked silver Mercedes for some reason, though they are not usually considered picturesque.


Saumur, drawing, Loire, France, art

This was a very grand Villa facing the Loire, I was on my way to paint the church so couldn’t linger.


Saumur, Ardilliers, Loire, France, drawing, pastel

This is the church I was off to paint but drawn on another day. I did this because I though the light was better than in the earlier watercolour so I might do an oil from this and some photos. When using the photos I will probably adjust them to match the drawing, just as a starting point. One of the main difficulties of painting from photo reference is to get the balance of shadow to lit. Your eyes see far further into the shadows than cameras do. On the other side of the coin photographs often point out how areas can be simplified by throwing areas into undefined shadow.


France, Saumur

Here is a scene I passed by on a long walk by the Loire. I thought it had possibilities, no position to paint from as I am looking over someones garden wall! But on passing back the other way I did the sketch below.


Saumur, house, loire, france, drawing

It was very awkward standing on a rock peering over the wall, and the owners appeared so I had to sneak off without getting another photo. I sat down to finish off a short way off and note the main colours and finished bits off. I added the gate in the wall as I felt it needed a way through compositionally. Once home with this information I tried to make a painting.


Loire, France, Saumur, Watercolour, painting. art

Here is the result, so you can see what liberties I have taken to make the picture. This certainly is not the painting you would have done on the spot, or from just the photo. There is a lot of imagination in deciding the colours and tone balance, though the lighting is roughly as per the drawing.


Loire, France Saumur, bridge, river, watercolour, painting

This one was done entirely from photo ref. It is the sort of watercolour that if your first underlying wash goes astray then there is nothing for it but to start again. Oils are so much more forgiving. This one only got done to use up the paint from a more complex painting, but was great fun to do.


Exchange, London, watercolour, painting, art

This one I drew out standing on the bridge over the Loire, but it was soon plain that 35C in the shade and me in the direct sun was going to be too much so I chickened out and went and painted another scene from a more shaded spot. Painting it once home brought it all flooding back though. Quite tricky to decide on the weight of the left hand buildings, I had intended to go darker as the camera saw it but as I worked i felt this was a better balance.


London, City, exchange, watercolour, painting, art

Back to my old haunts. I have been travelling most days through the City of London in the morning and some times the light has been lovely. This is composed from 3 or four photos taken on different days. The view is up Cornhill, the statue is of the engineer James Greathead who devised a cylindrical shield for tunnelling the underground.

A few life drawings to finish off…

Life drawing, Drawing, watercolour


Life drawing, watercolour, painting, nude


Life drawing, draw, nude

Life drawing, draw, nude

Life drawing, nude

July 3, 2011

The Thames, then off to France

Filed under: Drawing,France,London,Painting — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , — Rob Adams @ 7:18 pm

Been very busy, so this is a slightly tardy update. I have been building in painting storage, canvas and board racks which hopefully will make my studio space more user friendly. Also as I was due to go away to France painting so I had to reorganise my plein air painting kit so it was all light enough to haul to the ferry port. I have been very fortunate to get a chance to go painting in Saumur with some of the Wapping Group and other worthies. Great to look forward to but a bit nerve wracking to be painting under the gaze of so many expert eyes! But first an expedition to Gillingham with the “Wappers”.



Thames, watercolour, plein air, Gillingham, Pier, London

This visit was to Gillingham pier which was unfortunately in the grip of “redevelopment” which means getting rid of all the evocative clutter and building eye-wateringly  ugly apartment blocks. We turned our backs to these horrors and painted the last remaining old bit, soon to be swept away no doubt. The light was very flat but the shapes of the jetties were fun to unravel and I tried my best to not get too fiddly.


Gillingham, Thames, estuary, oil, painting, plein air.

Out of order here but never mind. I went a bit further east first thing and painted along what they call the Saxon Shore, Chatham can be seen in the distance. Beautifully quiet with only an occasional dog walker and birdwatcher. I find in very relaxing to paint in the early light, there is a softness and subtlety to the colours that is hard but fun to try and catch.


Gillingham, painting, plein air, oil, Thames

After painting the pier in the first picture I set off to look for better subjects, so went east again. I sat and painted a barge as the tide went out but made a complete pigs ear of it… later scraped off! I always feel if a painting goes awry it’s a good idea to do another immediately. So after wandering a little disconsolately for a while I sat on a bench and painted this view over to the powerstation on Hoo Island. Once done I felt considerably more cheerful!


Honfleur, France, watercolour, plein air, painting

Off to France! After a ferry crossing we drove to Honfleur which has been painted by many artists before. Almost too “picture perfect” I struggled to find a subject, but settled to do this as a “warm up” then I had lunch which was to be a very bad move…


Honfleur, France, oil, painting, plein air

As the light moved round I got out my oils and set about this. A very complicated subject that in a moment of bravado I decided to do without drawing out. This isn’t really as hard as you might think, the key is to get your centre of interest placed just as you wish at the right scale. To achieve this I merely hold my board up to the subject until it covers the width of the crop and mark a few key verticals, then do the same for the horizontals. Once this is done it is quite straight forward to place everything. Once done we went to seek supper… but I began to feel distinctly odd and feared the worse, done for by a dodgey “moule”on the first bloody day!


Honfleur, France, watercolour, plein air.

Not being able to face food I wandered the streets while everybody else ate. As I had my little watercolour sketch bag with me I did this to take my mind off my queasy stomach. I was happier with this more ordinary subject than the “headline” scenes in the marina. Indeed after doing this I felt a good deal better.


Honfleur, France, oil, painting, plein air

Back at the hotel I felt pretty grim and couldn’t sleep so I sat and did this wee oil out of the window. A handy spot to paint with the loo close by… Later when travelling to Saumur this and another small oil slid out of their travelling box and formed a close association with a pair of my underpants, so some repair was needed once home!


Honfleur, harbour, france, oil, painting, plein air

Felt a bit better and managed a bit of breakfast then went out and set about this, very nice light when I started which changed rapidly, but I got most of it in. Michael Richardson passed by and told me I was finished and looking at it now he was right!


Honfleur, drawing, France

I stopped and did this quick scribble of the “famous” view, but decided not to paint it. Another mishap struck with the frames of my glasses snapping, this required me to buy “le Super Glue” for a running repair… walked around slightly hunched after that waiting for the third disaster to strike…


Honfleur. france, harbour, watercolour, plein air

By lunch time I was feeling odd again, I rather unwisely started this larger watercolour, I got most of it done bar the nearby boat when I had to dash back to the hotel…


Honfleur, France, watercolour, plein air, watercolour

Headed out again with my A4 watercolour pad but only had the energy to quickly note this down, I rather messed up the figures but as it was only 20 minutes worth it caught most of what I wanted


Honfleur, France, beach, oil, painting, plein air.

Once again doomed to wander the streets at night while the others gorged themselves in fancy restaurants I set off to to beach nearby. Still felt pretty rough but got this little oil done which cheered me up. This was the other victim of the great underpants disaster so it’s a bit more blurry than it started out, which is on the whole an improvement… a variation on “Tonking”!


Honfleur, watercolour, plein air, France, painting

Heading back from the beach I stopped to do this, all in all being poisoned in Honfleur had led me to do more painting than I had expected, but considerably less eating alas. I didn’t really do this scene justice but I might do a studio painting later.


Saumur, watercolour, painting, France, plein air

First day in Saumur on the Loire. I wandered about to get my bearings and just took my camera and wee sketch book. This doorway took my eye but was fenced off with no way of painting properly so I drew it out quite carefully on the spot then retired a short way to add colour, not too difficult as there are so few tones in it, even so it came out better than I expected. Having recovered from the “Moule of Death” I couldn’t wait for dinner so no more painting that day.


Loire, Saumur, France, plein air, watercolour, painting

A larger watercolour of the Chateaux, not really happy with this, it needs to be a bit crisper and would have benefited with another half hour on the drawing out, but it’s a lovely scene so I think I’ll give it a go in the studio. When I set up I was in the shadow of a large van which promptly drove off leaving me in the direct sun, so the paint was drying almost as soon as it was applied.


Loire, Saumur, Oil, painting, plein air, France

Third day in Saumur. I had noticed when driving into the town that one of the streams of the Loire had almost dried up, so I set out to see if I could get a view from the river bed. Fiercely hot but as the river was mostly dry I could paint from under one of the arches of the bridge. That and a breeze up the river made it one of the more comfortable places to paint from! The colours were gorgeous and I enjoyed painting this immensely.


Saumur, France, Loire, painting, oil, plein air

An early start here, up at 5.30, I must be mad! But the dawn was beautiful. John Killens and I wandered about on the dry river bed looking for a subject, but one painter looking for a subject is bad enough but two painters trying to settle on a scene can take forever! So I wandered back to shore and set up to paint as the sun came up. As I drew this out the sun rose and lit up the church. The composition needs something to stop it zipping off to the right so I might add a cyclist, I am always a bit cautious about additions like that so I will leave it a few days to consider.


France, Saumur, oil, painting, plein air

The same church but about 10am next day. A bit rushed but it will make a good basis for another painting as I love the scene.


Chinon, watercolour, plein air, Loire, France

A trip out to Chinon, a blindingly hot day so I chose subjects I could paint from the shade. The river is especially lovely here. I only took my small sketch book so these are only 7in by 5 in but I find that a good size if I wish to do quick studies.


Chinon, Loire, France, watercolour, painting, plein air

As the day went on it grew progressively duller building up to a thunderstorm, so I painted this as it looked beautiful in the diffuse light. It needs a few figures perhaps, but I probably won’t bother.


Loire, France, watercolour, plein air

After the storm the light was fantastic and it was frustrating to be in the coach and not be able to paint! So as we entered Saumur a few of us abandoned ship to try and catch the last of the light. I only had 20min to do this but it catches a little bit of the feeling of the scene. I resolved to come out a bit better prepared and do an oil next evening.


Saumur, Loire, Curch, dome, watercolour, plein air, painting

I was meant to be taking the day off painting but I had this already sketched so i returned and added colour.


Sunset, Saumur, France, Loire, oil painting, plein air

Then I took most of the day off, sometimes it’s best just to wander without painting in mind, so I drank coffees and beers and ate gorgeous cakes, but after eating I couldn’t resist going out to try the sunset again. I had drawn out the scene on a board earlier and marked my position with a stick. Even so I had to scrub the tones in very briskly and adding a few details later had to wait until I was home.


Saumur, Thouet, France, watercolour, plein air, painting

My last day in Saumur so I decided to take a hike out along the course of the Loire. A perfect day the weather had cooled off a bit do walking was very pleasant. Saumur has rivers both sides so first I looked at the river Thouet on the south side. I did this in my A4 sketch pad, I did my best to catch the greens running from viridian hues through to verdant yellowy ones.


Chenehutte, Loire, France, watercolour, plein air.

I’m afraid with walking and looking I didn’t get much painting done! I did do this at my destination Chenehutte where I had lunch and a well deserved beer. My last decent painting but all in all a fantastic trip which will I hope make for some good studio paintings over the next few weeks while it is all still fresh in my memory.

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